A new ERYICA Youth Ambassadors framework


A new ERYICA Youth Ambassadors framework


The Youth Ambassadors and YInfoPEERs project, designed to improve and consolidate the ERYICA Youth Ambassadors framework born in 2012, has finally been launched!

The kick-off meeting of this Erasmus+ KA2 project took place on 2-3 September 2020 online. The coordinator, ERYICA, ran the meeting that was structured around three parts: a general overview of the project, including a reflection about some specific challenges and opportunities; a particular session to focus on the intellectual outputs; and a last session on the practical aspects (such as timeline, project and financial management, means of communication and so on). The 11 partners from all over Europe were present: MISSS (Slovenia), Agenzija Zghazagh (Malta), Cyprus Youth Council (Cyprus), Mladiinfo (North Macedonia), Catalan Youth Agency (Spain), Creativitas (Lithuania), Youth Work Ireland (Ireland), Valencian Youth Council (Spain), LOGO (Austria) and Zajednica (Coratia).

As every project led by ERYICA, YInfoPEERs is about young people’s right to full and reliable information. Among the core objectives, the project aims to train young people to become ambassadors for young people’s right to information; to carry out local-level trainings with their peers; and to gain skills and competences in different areas that will help them to influence decision-making processes, such as digital communication, social networks, video-making, advocacy. 

YInfoPEERs revolves around two pillars: the peer-to-peer approach and  advocacy for the right to information. Indeed, one of the intellectual outputs produced through this project will be the Youth InfoPEERs training manual, which will serve to train young multipliers to carry out peer-to-peer activities at the local level in cooperation with youth information services. The second one, the INFObassadors training manual, will serve to train young people on how to advocate for the right to information. Finally, the third intellectual output, the iAdvocate online MOOC, will support young people on how to carry out an effective online advocacy campaign. 

We will work in close cooperation with our partners and young people to achieve all the objectives set. The project also aims to consolidate a network of youth ambassadors who will participate in ERYICA activities, decision-making process, strategy design, and advocacy work. Following basic guidelines, such as intercultural learning, learning by doing method and inclusiveness, we will build up a new and improved Youth Ambassadors framework with the support of young people and our members.. 


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