


Youth Information minding young people’s mental health


Project dates
November 2022- September 2024


Financed by
Erasmus + KA2

Harno (Estonia), Centro Regional De Información y Documentación Juvenil (Madrid, Spain), Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos (Austria), DeAmbrassade (Belgium), Cyprus Youth Council (Cyprus) and IASIS (Greece). YoungScot (Scotland) and Eurodesk Brussels Link– Associated partners


Goals and activities

  • A survey directed at youth information workers. Youth information workers will have the chance to inform the project about the actions they already take to address young people’s mental health demands and identify their needs in terms of mental health literacy. The survey report can be consulted here;

  • A guide for youth information workers. The guide will equip youth (information) work professionals to identify mental health distress among young people, to provide first-hand support, and, when needed, to refer them to specialised services. The mental health professionals will be an integral part of the project, as the consortium will work to explore ways of cooperation between them and youth information workers. Young people’s point of view will be also included, and ERYICA’s Youth Ambassadors will have an important role in drafting the manual;

  • A podcast series. Through the podcast, young people will have the opportunity to express themselves about the importance of mental health and well-being. Testimonials of youth information workers dealing with the issues raised by young people will also be shown in a sort of dialogue. The podcast will primarily target youth information workers. Most of the practical cases and good practices narrated in the podcast will complement the guide.

  • Awareness raising campaign made by young people. The campaign will aim to reverse the mental health stigma, which often prevents young people from talking about their problems; audiovisual material addressed to young people will be created in the framework of the campaign.

  • Mental health resilience guide for young people.

  • A Joint seminar. The joint seminar will be the occasion to gather youth information workers, mental health professionals and young people to present the outcomes of the project and formulate some policy recommendations.


ERYICA’s Youth Ambassadors for Youth Information will be directly involved in the project. Being already engaged in the ERYICA network and the decision-making process, and having been trained on the peer-to-peer approach, they will represent an important asset. 



