Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve


Aim, Learn, Master, Achieve


Over half of the Member States committed last May to implement ALMA, the new programme of the European Commission to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds. The initiative envisions a €270 million budget to provide work experience and improve youth employment and life prospects for young people in Europe. ALMA is an active-inclusion initiative for disadvantaged young people (aged 18-30 years) that are not in employment, education or training. Accompanied by intensive training, it will offer participants a supervised work-related learning experience for a period of 2 to 6 months in another EU Member State.  

The aim is to gain skills and experience that will help them find their way into the job market once back in their home country. To achieve this, the Commission assists the Member States in setting up and implementing the initiative.

Want to know more about the programme? Check out this article here!


Young Europeans are increasingly engaged!


European Academy on Youth Work