ERYICA lands in Moldova thanks to the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center


ERYICA lands in Moldova thanks to the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center

The Chisinau Municipal Youth Center is an institution that represents an array of community and friendly services aimed at all categories of young people in Chisinau between the ages of 14-35

The purpose of the Center is to facilitate the personal and social development of young people, to help them realize their potential, to obtain knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for their successful integration into society.

In May 2019, the first branch of the Chisinau Municipal Youth Center was opened as a result of the necessity identified following the Municipal Survey regarding the identification of the needs of young people. During the years 2022-2023, 4 other branches of the Center were opened.


The services provided by the youth centres are: 

  • Volunteering service and youth information: providing informational, methodological support so that young people can get involved in the decision-making process in the community through youth structures, with participatory and volunteer actions. 

  • Career guidance and orientation service: supporting young people in identifying work, skills and attitude values. Within this service, young people can receive individual and confidential counselling, but also obtain a personal profile. 

  • Personal development service and free time animation: preparing the young person for adult life in personal, social and professional terms, but also for life within the family and society, for individual and professional activity.

  • Psychological Counseling Service - is intended to provide support, guidance and solutions to young people facing personal, social and/or emotional challenges. We offer individual and confidential counselling.

Address: Mitropolit Varlaam 90, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova 
Phone: 373 22 923 555 


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