Communicating about climate with Gen Z


Communicating about climate with Gen Z


Gen Z is the most connected generation ever, and they have a big say in the future of the planet. However, institutions still struggle to engage with them and turn their ideas into practical actions. 

To illustrate the problem and draw some solutions, ICF Next launched their report “Climate Communication: reaching youth starts with active listening”, which tackles a variety of issues related to Gen Z and communication on climate targeted to them and how to make it more appealing and successful. 

There is still disbelief that young people are immature and in need of protection. However, the youth are asking governments and world leaders to scale up their climate efforts and address the widening gap between words and action when it comes to climate policies.

Get to know the DOs and DON’Ts and their recommendations in the interactive report here.


Ongi etorri Instituto Navarro de la Juventud!


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