What does well-being mean to children in a digital age?


What does well-being mean to children in a digital age?


UNICEF Innocenti and Western Sydney University recently published the report “Responsible innovation in technology for children” that aims to shed light on the topic of digital wellbeing in young people and children. The report is based on six principles: child-centric, international and representative, data-driven, open and transparent, collaborative and aspirational, ensuring that young people from all over the world are involved in the creation process and every one of them is represented. 

The research pays attention to children’s feelings and experiences to understand how digital experiences can be designed in ways that are more likely to have positive impacts. Among the main highlights, it is worth emphasising the importance of online safety. For example, study participants highlighted that they wanted to see age-appropriate content and not be exposed to inappropriate content such as violence or sexual content. 

In addition, they advocate that it is essential to stay connected online with the same people they interact with everyday face to face. Diversity, equity and inclusion also matter when building healthy digital spaces. The research that pays attention to children’s feelings and experiences helps understand how digital experiences can be designed in ways that are more likely to have positive impacts.

We invite you to read the complete research here.


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