Hungary's Second Term as EU Council President Begins


Hungary's Second Term as EU Council President Begins

The Hungarian presidency of the Council of the European Union begins today, marking the start of Hungary's second term in this role. From 1 July 2024 to 31 December 2024, Hungary will guide the work of the Council, representing the interests of all 27 EU member states in negotiations with other EU institutions.  

Hungary’s youth strategy during its presidency includes specific goals such as promoting digital skills among young people, enhancing youth participation in democratic processes, and supporting youth entrepreneurship. An important highlight will be the EU Youth Conference, which will take place in Budapest from 10-12 October 2024. This conference aims to gather youth representatives, policymakers, and experts to discuss and shape youth policies and initiatives.  

For more details on Hungary's presidency and its plans for the youth strategy, visit the presidency website here.


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