Newid: Digital for the third sector in Wales


Newid: Digital for the third sector in Wales

Wherever you are in your digital journey, we're here to help. 

On our website, you’ll find the practical support we offer, resources we have created to help you along the way, and case studies that show how third sector organisations use digital. 


Who we are 

Newid is delivered in partnership by WCVA, Cwmpas and ProMo Cymru, funded by the Welsh Government.


What we do

  • Deliver training on how to improve your services for your service users using digital

  • Write a monthly newsletter with a round-up of training on offer

  • Create resources to help the sector, based on your feedback during our discovery research

  • Raise awareness of the CDPS Digital Service Standards for Wales

  • Promote good digital practice across the third sector in Wales

  • Mentoring to help you assess and understand how to use technology to achieve your goals

Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to get a curated list of the latest training, resources, and news to help third-sector organisations with digital.


Understanding experiences of minority beliefs on online communication platforms


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