Roots & Routes Podcast


Roots & Routes Podcast


Roots & Routes aims to establish and enhance connections with young Maltese living abroad. Through this initiative, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ traces the understanding of Maltese identity for these young people – their roots – across the routes taken by themselves, their parents, grandparents or great-grandparents. The podcasts allow the listeners to discover different ways in which young Maltese people live outside of their homeland.

Recordings have been taking place since December 2020, and throughout this period, Aġenzija Żgħażagħ has traced numerous young people across the world. Various topics have been featured during these podcasts, such as the challenges expats are facing following Brexit, learning more about the Maltese communities in Canada and Australia, whilst also becoming acquainted with several young people across Europe, China, Tunisia and Dubai. 

Roots & Routes meets young people who have taken the plunge themselves to move beyond the Maltese waters and others who have lived their entire lives away from the island, some of whom have never visited. The conversation during the podcast allows us to dig deeper to realise what makes them identify themselves as Maltese and where is that place where they call home. This podcast facilitates a space where we explore narratives of young people in the Maltese diaspora, thereby encouraging a broad understanding of identity, nationality, migration and global mobility.

Roots & Routes took a step further during ‘Intercultural Week’ by producing a special edition of the podcasts. Young expats living in Malta were invited to participate in conversations aiming to encourage reflection on the world’s cultural richness and the essential role of intercultural dialogue to achieve peace and sustainable development.


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