Students Empowerment Summer School in Cyprus


Students Empowerment Summer School in Cyprus


The Students Empowerment Summer School was held for the 5th consecutive year by the Youth Information Centres of the Youth Board of Cyprus and aimed at encouraging and cultivating personal and emotional development and the acquisition of skills that will help the participants become more efficient as students. At the same time, young people had the chance to get to know each other, coexist,  collaborate, gain new experiences, become active citizens and having a great time!

The participation in the Students Empowerment Summer School was free of charge, and its duration was from 5-16 July 2021. Unfortunately, the current pandemic and protocols did not allow us to hold the Empowerment School at the youth information centres all over Cyprus; thus, we chose the alternative of carrying it out online. This allowed for young people living in rural areas to participate. Participants were students of secondary education aged 14-17 years old

The exciting program of this year's Empowerment School included games and teambuilding workshops, a workshop on developing empathy and emotion management, photography, development of digital skills, songwriting and online computer game creation, cooking and nutrition and much more. In addition, the summer school acted as a multiplier for the cultivation of environmental consciousness since the participants had the opportunity to participate in an online Up-Cycling workshop with recyclable and reusable materials. All participants’ feedback was quite positive, giving us thus the motivation to plan ahead for next year’s Empowerment Summer School!


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