ERYICA produces guides, toolkits, manuals, research reports and other resources aimed to share knowledge and to support youth information services and professionals.
Activity Reports
Our activity reports present the main initiatives, projects, and services implemented in the course of a year. Check out below what we did between 2023 and 2018.
SHEryica — Good Practice Booklets
The Good Practice Booklet is a collection of successful stories from our Network in order to learn, inspire, generate and develop new projects and ideas.
Guide on youth participation in Youth Information
The guide aims to discover how youth information services can involve youthe in the design, delivery, dissemination, evaluation, and governance of youth information services.
Ukrainian displaced youth: Identifying information needs and aspirations
The survey report provides recommendations to support the transition of young refugees to adulthood more effectively and their involvement and integration in the hosting communities.
Report on the survey of youth information professionals for the project medyia
The report provides recommendations to policymakers, institutional bodies and youth information professionals to enhance young people’s Media and Information Literacy skills.