ERYICA produces guides, toolkits, manuals, research reports and other resources aimed to share knowledge and to support youth information services and professionals.
#YouthInfoComp — A European competence framework for Youth Information workers
The framework offers a shared reference tool for describing the competences required by youth information workers.
The DesYIgn toolkit
The toolkit provides information and practical resources to support youth workers and youth information workers to design services with young people.
EYID 2021 — Campaign and survey report
The report is the result of the survey and campaign on mental health conducted on the occasion of the European Youth Information Day 2021.
Youth Information and Counselling in 2020
The publication gives a thorough overview of organisations that coordinate youth information services in Europe and in certain cases provide youth information themselves.
Greening Youth Information services
The guide provides examples for youth information services on how to inform, engage and empower young people on environmental sustainability.
DesYIgn — Innovative Youth Information and outreach
The report studies young people's information-seeking behaviour to improve the design and communication activities of youth information services
Ensuring Quality in Youth Information and Counselling
This user-friendly document gives practical ideas for the implementation of the Charter principles, showcases good practices and includes testimonies of young people.
Liaisons — A toolkit for the prevention of violent extremism through Youth Information
The toolkit for the prevention of youth violent extremism through youth information has been developed in cooperation with the Council of Europe, and with the support of the Bureau International Jeunesse (Belgium).