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Half & Twice Half & Twice

Let’s Shake Hands for Ukraine

Let’s Shake Hands helps Ukrainian children learn a foreign language of the country where they were forced to move to and solve their educational needs and integrate the acquired knowledge into a new school life.

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Half & Twice Half & Twice

Glossary of Trust & Safety terms

Prepare yourself to address the #EYID23 topic with young people! We invite you to check the Glossary of Trust and Safety terms developed by the Digital Trust and Safety Partnership to facilitate a dialogue between policymakers, industry, regulators and the wider public.

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Half & Twice Half & Twice

We’re progressively back to F2F meetings!

The MedYIa – Media under the microscope! project consortium met for the first time face-to-face in Eupen, Belgium, from 23 to 24 September to discuss the progression of the project’s outputs. This was ERYICA’s first face-to-face consortium meeting in almost 2 years!

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