Structure and governance
ERYICA’s decision-making and implementing bodies are the General Assembly, the Governing Board, the Secretariat and the Youth Ambassadors Commission.
General Assembly
The General Assembly is the sovereign organ of ERYICA. It’s composed of the Members of the Agency, and takes place in spring every year.
Representatives from each organisation (Member, Affiliated Organisation, Cooperating Organisation) are invited to attend, with up to 5 representatives per organisation every third year.
The General Assembly is an important occasion for members to come together, share best practices, discuss the work programme, and decide on potential initiatives and activities.
The operational processes of ERYICA, its staff, governing board, and members, are laid out in the organisation's statutes, which are agreed on by the General Assembly.
governing board
The Governing Board, elected for a 3-year mandate, is responsible for implementing the objectives of the Agency.
Its functions are specified in the Standing Orders of the Agency. However, they are also responsible for any matters not assigned to another organ in the Statutes and Standing Orders. It meets four-six times a year, one of which coincides with the General Assembly.
The current competencies of ERYICA’s Governing Board, elected during the 33rd General Assembly, are:
Preparing and implementing the decisions of the General Assembly.
Implementing and supervising the agency's programmes.
Organising the services provided by the Agency.
Establishing working groups and special commissions, defining their objectives, appointing their coordinator(s) and supervising their activities.
Developing and coordinating the European network of youth information and counselling structures.
Managing the financial and administrative affairs of the Agency.
Admitting new Members, Affiliated and Co-operating Organisations.
Delegating authority concerning the representation of the Agency and the signature of legal contracts.
The Secretariat of ERYICA has been based in Luxembourg since July 2007.
They support the Governing Board in implementing decisions and ensuring the organisation's day-to-day operations. The Director is responsible for managing and supervising the Secretariat's staff.
The ERYICA Secretariat hosts trainees under the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.
If you are interested in the opportunity and want to receive more information:
The ERYICA Youth Ambassadors Commission (EYAC) is a pilot initiative that began in 2022 as part of the YinfoPeers project and the European Year on Youth.
The commission consists of 8 young representatives from 7 countries who are involved in ERYICA's activities over two years, representing the larger youth ambassador network of 40 ambassadors across Europe. At least one member of the EYAC participates in ERYICA Governing Board’s meetings, to bring young people's perspectives, and to support one of the main decision-making bodies of ERYICA. The role of the EYAC includes:
Representing the EYAC at ERYICA’s General Assembly.
Participating in the implementation of projects led by ERYICA.
Contributing to and participating in working groups and task forces.
Keeping the youth ambassadors network informed, engaged, and cohesive in cooperation with the ERYICA Secretariat.
Supporting the design and development of campaigns targeting young people.
Supporting the outreach and participation of young people in campaigns, research activities and consultations.
Piloting the framework and providing feedback to make it more efficient and meaningful for future generations of the EYAC.
Being locally active as a youth information ambassador and educator.
Caterina Rende
Alejandra Sola
Leonhard Schlag
Kristina Stankovska
Bárbara López
Pece Krstevski
Hüseyin Öksüzoğlu
Maria Fsadni