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UNESCO Global MIL Week 2020

This edition will highlight how we can address disinformation and divides by recognising our shared interest in improving everyone’s competencies to engage with the opportunities and risks in today’s landscape of communication, technology, and information.

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3rd European Youth Work Convention

The 3rd EYWC will play a crucial role in establishing this European Youth Work Agenda as a strategic European framework for further developing and strengthening youth work practice and policies and shaping youth work development across Europe.

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How has the corona pandemic impacted the youth work?

The aim of this research project is to document and analyse the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on youth work in Europe, including the European youth programmes, and the response of youth work across Europe to the pandemic and its effects.

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Coping with COVID-19 challenges

The Emerging Minds Network is conducting the Co-SPACE Study to see how families are coping with the challenges of COVID-19, in the fields of family life and relationships, overall health and wellbeing, parenting, psychological symptoms and how participants are coping during the Covid-19 pandemic

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Tackling COVID Myths - What’s the EU doing?

The outbreak of the coronavirus has led to disinformation that hampers efforts to contain the pandemic. The World Health Organisation (WHO) said false claims are “spreading faster than the virus” and has termed it an “infodemic of planetary proportions”.

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#youthworkeronline in Malta

Young people engage with and live in the digital world, and the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic is providing us with a unique opportunity to work with and reach out to young people online. Aġenzija Żgħażagħ are embracing this experience and enjoying the opportunity to explore new ways of engaging with and supporting young people.

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