The network
The ERYICA network represents all kinds of organisations across Europe providing youth information and counselling services at local, regional, and national levels.
Members and their network have full access to all services of the Agency, and can propose people to participate in all activities organised by ERYICA.
They can attend the annual General Assembly with the right to vote, and are electable candidates to the Governing Board.
Affiliated Organisations
Affiliated Organisations also have access to the services of the Agency, but in a capacity limited to their own organisation. They can propose participants for all activities organised by ERYICA.
They are represented at annual sessions of the General Assembly as observers, without the right to vote or to be elected.
Cooperating Organisations
Cooperating Organisations have access to a range of services of the Agency, and have the right to attend the General Assembly as observers on invitation only. However, they do not have voting rights, or the ability to influence the decision-making process.
Member organisations (32)
Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos
CIDJ Asbl — Fédération de Centres d’Informations et de Documentation pour Jeunes
Departament de Joventut I Voluntariat del Govern d’Andorra
Fédération Infor Jeunes Wallonie — Bruxelles
AYICC — Zajednica Informativnih Centara za Mlade u Hrvatskoj
Harno — The Education and Youth Youth Board
CIDJ — Centre d'Information et de Documentation Jeunesse
IJAB — Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes (ANIJ) asbl
Forum för Ungdomsinformasjonskontor, c/o Tvibit Youth Centre
IPDJ — Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude
Fundația Națională Pentru Tineret
National Institute of Education and Youth — NIVAM
Zavod Misss — mladinsko Informativno Svetovalno Središče Slovenije
Centro Regional de Information y Documentation Juvenil
Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado (Xunta de Galicia)
Gobierno de Cantabria — DG de Juventud y Cooperación al Desarrollo
IAJ — Andalusian Youth Institute
IBJOVE — Institut Balear de la Joventut
Institut Valencià de la Joventut.Generalitat Jove
Instituto Navarro de la Juventud — Nafarroako Gaztediaren Ikastetxea
National Ukrainian Youth Association
Affiliated Organisations (6)
Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg
aha - Tipps und Infos für Junge Leute
SIEP - Service d'Information sur les Etudes & les Professions
Cooperating Organisations (5)
Youth Voice Network of Organizations of Albania
ŠKUC Association - Ljubljana Network of Info Points -ˇ L'MIT
Youth Voice Network of Organisations
Departament de Joventud i Voluntariat del Govern d’Andorra
Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos
CIDJ Asbl — Fédération de Centres d’Informations et de Documentation pour Jeunes
Fédération Infor Jeunes Wallonie — Bruxelles
SIEP - Service d'Information sur les Etudes & les Professions
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Agency for development and cooperation CEREBRA
AYICC — Zajednica Informativnih Centara za Mlade u Hrvatskoj
Harno — The Education and Youth Youth Board
CIDJ — Centre d'Information et de Documentation Jeunesse
IJAB — Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg
aha — Tipps und Infos für Junge Leute
LiJOT — Lietuvos Jaunimo Organizaciju Taryba
Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes (ANIJ) asbl
North Macedonia
Forum för Ungdomsinformasjonskontor, c/o Tvibit Youth Centre
IPDJ — Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude
Fundația Națională Pentru Tineret
National Institute of Education and Youth — NIVAM
Ljubljana Network of Info Points — L'MIT
Zavod Misss — mladinsko Informativno Svetovalno Središče Slovenije
Centro Regional de Information y Documentation Juvenil
Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado (Xunta de Galicia)
Gobierno de Cantabria — DG de Juventud y Cooperación al Desarrollo
IAJ — Andalusian Youth Institute
IBJOVE — Institut Balear de la Joventut
Institut Valencià de la Joventut.Generalitat Jove
Instituto Navarro de la Juventud — Nafarroako Gaztediaren Ikastetxea
National Ukrainian Youth Association
United Kingdom
Agence Nationale pour l'Information des Jeunes (ANIJ) asbl
Agency for Development and Cooperation CEREBRA
aha — Tipps und Infos für Junge Leute
AYICC — Zajednica Informativnih Centara za Mlade u Hrvatskoj
Bundesnetzwerk Österreichische Jugendinfos
Centro Regional de Information y Documentation Juvenil
CIDJ — Centre d'Information et de Documentation jeunesse
CIDJ Asbl — Fédération de Centres d’Informations et de Documentation pour Jeunes
Departament de Joventud i Voluntariat del Govern d’Andorra
Dirección Xeral de Xuventude, Participación e Voluntariado (Xunta de Galicia)
Fédération Infor Jeunes Wallonie — Bruxelles
Forum för Ungdomsinformasjonskontor, c/o Tvibit Youth Centre
Fundația Națională pentru Tineret Romania
Gobierno de Cantabria — DG de Juventud y Cooperación al Desarrollo
Harno — The Education and Youth Board
IAJ — Andalusian Youth Institute
IBJOVE — Institut Balear de la Joventut
IJAB — Fachstelle für Internationale Jugendarbeit der Bundesrepublik Deutschland e.V.
Institut Valencià de la Joventut.Generalitat Jove
Instituto Navarro de la Juventud — Nafarroako Gaztediaren Ikastetxea
IPDJ — Instituto Português do Desporto e da Juventude
Jugendstiftung Baden-Württemberg
LiJOT — Lietuvos Jaunimo Organizaciju Taryba
Ljubljana Network of Info Points — L'MIT
National Institute of Education and Youth — NIVAM
National Ukrainian Youth Association
SIEP - Service d'Information sur les Etudes & les Professions
Youth Voice Network of Organisations of Albania
Zavod Misss — Mladinsko Informativno Svetovalno Središče Slovenije
membership benefits
Exchanging good practices and networking with peer professionals.
Participating in training and capacity building opportunities.
Supporting the development of youth information services in Europe.
Partnering on a range of international projects and benefiting from their results.
Gaining support to innovate, establish, and strengthen youth information services.
Accessing relevant and innovative tools & resources.
Increasing fundraising opportunities through the Youth Information Development Fund.
Participating in ERYICA events and General Assemblies.
news from the network

Want to help build an informed future?
The Youth Information Development Fund is an opportunity for members and potential members of the ERYICA network to apply for financial and technical support to develop or implement capacity-building activities in the youth information field.